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Running Man star duped in investment scams

Running Man star duped in investment scams
ANN/THE STRAITS TIMES – In a recent episode of the South Korean reality series My Little Old Boy, Kim Jong-kook, widely recognised as a member of the popular entertainment show Running Man, revealed that he fell victim to investment scams, losing “bil

ANN/THE STRAITS TIMES – In a recent episode of the South Korean reality series My Little Old Boy, Kim Jong-kook, widely recognised as a member of the popular entertainment show Running Man, revealed that he fell victim to investment scams, losing “billions of won”. (One billion won is approximately SGD981,000.)

The 48-year-old star discussed his unfortunate encounter with fraudsters during the June 9 episode of the show, as reported by entertainment portal Starnews Korea. Kim appeared in a segment alongside actor Choi Jin-hyuk and singer Lee Sang-min.

Choi, 38, shared that he frequently receives unsolicited messages from various individuals and organisations, soliciting investments or requesting loans. Curious if others had encountered similar situations, he inquired with Kim and Lee.

To his friends’ surprise, Kim admitted to being deceived. He recounted an instance where he received financial advice from acquaintances and was persuaded to invest. Later, Kim discovered it was a scam and suffered significant losses to fraudulent schemes. However, he did not disclose the timing or the total amount he lost.

Expressing the impact of the ordeal, Kim acknowledged feeling affected by the loss but emphasised that he has become more cautious about seeking quick financial gains. “I learned that the only way to earn money is through hard work,” he reflected.

South Korean entertainer Kim Jong-kook revealed in an episode of My Little Old Boy that he lost a lot of money to investment scams. PHOTO: ANN/THE STRAITS TIMES SOURCE
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